“As seen from the air. It makes all the difference in the world.”


Ben Zimmerman is licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration to fly drone equipment professionally, and we have traveled across the state of Kentucky and to surrounding states to photograph and film from the air.

  • Real Estate

    Imagine you were looking for a new home, and you went online to check out your options. Which property are you drawn to? It is the one that is well represented with the attractive images and the captivating video, right? Every time. Let’s face it - the way you present the property has a lot to do with how it sells. If you are a Realtor or a home owner looking to sell, we can help! From interior and exterior shoot, to putting it all together in a comprehensive video or photo collection, we include it all in our package.

  • Construction & Excavating

    Do you need someone to help you build a complete portfolio of professional photos of your projects from start to finish? Look no farther. It is easy to see that from the air is the very best vantage point for this. We will shoot before and afters of your project, or anything in between. Our photos are high res, and excellent for anything from large wall posters to project portfolios or web content.

    Click here to see a recent project.

  • Business Portraits

    A handsome photo of your home or business makes an excellent wall piece for behind your counter, in the office, or above the mantel at home. A business portrait adds interest to your website Home or About Us page. We can do it.

I also enjoy shooting aerial images and videos of the beautiful world around us, for the sheer joy of flying. From the fog lying low between the hills around our Eastern Kentucky home, to the mountains and lakes in other places, I love to fly just for the fun of being in the air. And there is always that next great photo, waiting just around (over) the bend!


Make it stand out.

Here’s a sample real estate video, completely edited and ready for a listing. We can boost your listings! We can shoot inside and out, so feel free to contact us for a shoot that includes interiors.


See more videos on the Photograpy page!