Watch for the launch of our completely redesigned website, as part of a larger scale rebranding of our company. In the meantime, get in touch!

There is beauty all around you. Stop. Notice it.

Our business is all about beauty in design. With our camera equipment we capture the beauty of both the God-made and the man-made creations around us. With our design software, (and our brains) we create sharp, attractive designs to market your business.

  • Aerial Imaging

    We use high end drone equipment to take sharp, high resolution photos, and smooth, 4K videos from the best vantage point ever - the air.

  • Photography

    From Real Estate Photography to Product photography to Nature and Wildlife Photography, we capture and preserve the the moment. We also do full scale Video Documentaries to better tell your business story.

  • Graphic Design

    Great Design doesn’t just happen. It takes skillful planning and lots of communication to create a clean, attractive product. We’ll help you with your ads, brochures, websites, and other business promotion items.

  • Fine Art

    Ben Zimmerman uses a combination of graphite and charcoal - and hours of time in the studio - to create dramatic artwork that captivates and inspires. Check back for the launch of an art gallery.


I would love to discuss your creative project with you. Sometimes it’s amazing how simply talking things over feels like a huge step in the right direction. .

“Ich kann deutch shwetza!”